With all the clutter that’s going on in my head I’ve resolved to return to a simpler lifestyle. No social media (Facebook and Instagram) for me upon switching to the iPhone X today.
Just going back to the old routine of watching anime and YouTube subscriptions in the evenings after work, and making use of Netflix once in awhile. In the evenings during the weekends have started to take long walks. Doing my qt rounds up the rest of the time I’m spending. Am trying to see whether I can squeeze in some gaming.
Have found myself staring into space often. Not too sure how long that will last.
Another thing I’m thinking of doing is documenting my journey over the past 1+ year. I have a vague idea of how to do it - maybe something like the first season of 13 reasons why. I am thinking it will help me with the recovery. Oh and no worries, I’m not suicidal like the main character in that show.
Time to take a walk so until the next post.