The results of the PSLE Posting are out! And guess what school my bros went to... Darren went to NUS High and Daryl's going to Commonwealth. Lucky you Kangdi... Well, congratulations to them. They've just created BLOGs too, so I've just linked them. Besides that, I've linked two of my RI friends. If you wanna see how real RI guys are like, feel free to visit. (I'm not an example of a typical RI guy you know)
My mom says that its always right to return the favour when somebody gives presents to you, so I'm gonna get something for Mel, Shu and Amanda. Actually I'm not the kind that likes to go out the way to get people stuff, but I'll make an exception... Thanks for the letter Mel, I hope we'll be good childhood friends forever...
Well, I think my chinese has improved. I could read all the words of the songs! Haha. Glad I went ot China. Even more happier that I mugged my chinese a lot. Going to try an translate my testimony to chinese. Its going to be fun! For the benefit of those who didn't come, there're some chinese songs we're gonna sing! And four different medleys of songs too. And we'll be singing in open air. Really difficult... For more details, tag my board to ask or talk to me via MSN! SEe you guys on Friday!
My mom says that its always right to return the favour when somebody gives presents to you, so I'm gonna get something for Mel, Shu and Amanda. Actually I'm not the kind that likes to go out the way to get people stuff, but I'll make an exception... Thanks for the letter Mel, I hope we'll be good childhood friends forever...
Well, I think my chinese has improved. I could read all the words of the songs! Haha. Glad I went ot China. Even more happier that I mugged my chinese a lot. Going to try an translate my testimony to chinese. Its going to be fun! For the benefit of those who didn't come, there're some chinese songs we're gonna sing! And four different medleys of songs too. And we'll be singing in open air. Really difficult... For more details, tag my board to ask or talk to me via MSN! SEe you guys on Friday!