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Who Am I?

Haha! This is the third part of the studies on myself, about personality! Yeah. To find out about someone's personality, what better way to do it than: Personality Tests! I sat for two of them, the MBTI and the VP Test. Results are as follows:


The EI Scale - Where do you prefer to focus your attention?

Choice - I for Introversion

People who prefer Introversion focus more on their inner world. When you are introverting, you are energized by what goes on in your inner world, and this is where you tend to direct your own energy. Introverts tend to be more interested and comfortable when they can work quietly without interruption. They like to understand the world before experiencing it, and so need time to reflect before acting.

My Comments:
Hm... Quite True... Uh huh. Quite accurate.

The SN Scale - How do you acquire information, or find out about things?

Choice - N for Intuition

Intuition shows you the meanings, relationships, and possibilities that go beyond the information from your senses. Intuitive types look at the big picture and try to grasp the overall patterns. They grow expert at seeing new possibilities and they value imagination and inspiration.

My Comments:
Uhh... I'm not really sure about this one... Maybe its correct, a bit vague though.

The TF Scale - How do you make decisions?

Choice - F for Feeling

Feeling types make decisions based on person-centered values. When deciding, they consider how important the choices are to themselves and others. They like dealing with people and tend to become sympathetic, appreciative and tactful. they value harmony and work to make it happen.

My Comments:
Spot on! Haha! Quite accurate, don't you think?

The JP Scale - How do you orient toward the outer world?

Choice - J for Judging

Those who prefer judging like to live in a planned, orderly way, wanting to regulate life and control it. They want to make decisions, come to closure, and then carry on. The ylike to be structured and organized and want things settled.

My Comments:
Uh... I'm not too sure about this one too. I think its considerably accurate...

Overall results...

Succeed by perseverance, originality, and desire to do whatever is needed or wanted. Put theur best efforts into their work. Quietly forceful, conscientious, concerned for others. Respected for their firm principles. Likely to be honored and followed for their clear convictions on how to serve the common good.

My Comments:
Uh... This one's up to you to decide. I've found enough I think... And you guys should know me well enough! :)

One fact:
YE sat for the MBTI before. I'm the only one in YE who got this result! Strange or what? Haha. The only one who got similar results was Yan Fen, but shes not in YE anymore...

The VP (Valued Principles) Test

Top ranked value(s):

Helpful (working for the welfare of others)

Helpfulness stands out for you as being very important in life. You are someone who tries to put the welfare of others at least at par with your own. By working for the well-being of others, you earn a sense of self-worth and meaning in your life. If you are not already doing so, finding a social cause that you can relate to is paramount in achieving fulfillment. Those who hold helpfulness in high esteem, as you do, are more likely to sacrifice for others, earning them a reputation for selflessness. Having a community spirit, as you seem to, is a great way to build relationships. It also helps you feel good about yourself, and gain a sense of meaning in life. As long as you concentrate on yourself from time to time, you will find that holding this value gives as much back to you as you give to others.

Spiritual (living life according to a belief system)

You believe that being guided by a spiritual force is important. Whatever your chosen faith, you are trying, at least, to live your life in accordance with these beliefs. It is important to remember that you can make your own way when it comes to spirituality - if your religion doesn't resemble any other faith out there, that's ok. On the other hand, if you have been raised a certain way, and you really feel a connection with this faith, sticking to your beliefs despite the fact that others are questioning conventional religions is absolutely ok. Having a spiritual guiding force is helpful in making decisions and in deciding how to live one's life. It provides a sense of well-being, and an overall sense that all is right in the world.

Second tier value(s):

Forgiving (willing to pardon others)

You value forgiveness to a great degree. You are well aware of the fact that nobody is perfect, and that people should not be indefinitely punished for doing the wrong thing at times. Perhaps the value you place on forgiveness stems from your desire for others to forgive you when you do wrong, or because you naturally know that living life as an uncompassionate person would negatively affect your happiness. Others know you as an understanding and tolerant person who is willing to put the past in the past and make the best of life. One thing to keep in mind is to make sure others are not taking advantage of your kind nature. Being as forgiving as you are makes you vulnerable to people who commit wrongs against you because they know you will still keep them in good graces. This in turn can lead them to persist in their behavior instead of changing their hurtful ways. As long as you can keep alert to those who might be tempted to do so, and assert yourself when you've been intentionally wronged, your forgiving nature can only bring positive energy to your environment.

Third tier value(s):

Honest (sincere, truthful)

Honesty is not only the best policy, but also the only policy in your book. You live your life according to the principles of truth, and find that doing otherwise negatively impacts your happiness and peace of mind. Others trust you and know that when they ask for your opinion, they'll be getting a straight answer. Your authentic personality lends credibility to your comments, and others respect your utter sincerity. One word of caution: while being honest is no doubt a positive value to uphold, know that being entirely honest in some situations can hurt others' feelings. If you desire be completely honest when someone asks for a personal opinion about his or her character or appearance, try to do it in a sensitive manner so as not to put him or her on the defensive. Your dedication to being honest is praiseworthy.

Fourth tier value(s):

Responsible (dependable, reliable)

To you, being a responsible member of society is essential to your way of being. You know that nothing can change for the better without people becoming more dependable, and taking responsibility for their actions. Your friends and family know you as a reliable and honest person who doesn't just 'talk the talk.' You follow through on your promises; you behave in a way that puts you in the good graces of those around you. When things go wrong, you take responsibility for your part in them and focus on the solution. Pointing fingers is not your style, and you have a low tolerance for those who practice it. Your focus on responsibility can be a mixed blessing; at times you may find yourself having too much on your plate, with too much of a conscience to let anything slide. This is because others trust you to get the job done, and you rarely disappoint. This value of yours translates into setting a great example for others to follow. Keep up the good work.

Fifth tier value(s):

Obedient (dutiful, respectful)

Being a respectful and well-behaved member of society is of great importance to you. You see the damage and negative consequences left by others without this value, and it makes you all the more intent on setting a good example. You understand that doing what is expected of you and respecting others' opinions is essential to maintaining a good environment in which to live. Others know they can count on you to follow through with your duties and to do a good job. You have the respect of your loved ones and peers because of your commitment to doing things right on a consistent basis. You are likely a very moral person with little regret about how you live your life. People who place this value at high importance are generally rather conventional in their thinking. Rather than question the established norms and fight against authority figures, you'd rather just go along with the crowd.

Quite a lot to read... But you'll agree with me... Its quite accurate right?

Have fun reading guys! Haha... Tag my Board to see if you agree with these tests or not! Haha. See you guys. :) I hope my personality never changes! I like it the way it is now! Haha.


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