Almost every single episode of K-On 2nd season and Nana are tugging at my heart strings... Just reminds me of the wonderful times I had with Eden-Sol/The Importance Of Being Idle and being in a band. How I miss those times performing in front of a live audience. My heart pounding in my chest, my hands playing across the vibrating strings of my bass, the smiles on my fellow performers faces, the rush of adrenaline just running through a well arranged cover and finally the roar of an appreciative crowd.
My heart yearns to perform on such a stage once again. The question is where to find like minded, Christ loving people who are willing to take it up... Perhaps I'm not meant to relive an experience such as this, maybe just not yet. I hope it does come again, and not be another of my dreams broken and left on the wayside.
K-On just reminds me so much of Gabriel, Guoren, Choon Wing and Sam... How everything felt so natural, so God-centered. Amidst the hard work, there were times with laughter, with sorrow, with joy and with pain. There were crises, there were advents, there were breakthroughs, there was a feeling of home that nothing else could trump. Such was the power of being in a Godly band like no other.
I miss it.
It meant so much to me.
Everytime I play Raindrops this is what I imagine. The sense of yearning, the intense glowing ember of a glorious era past, fading back into memory. It's my way of remembering this experience that I will keep for life.
My heart yearns to perform on such a stage once again. The question is where to find like minded, Christ loving people who are willing to take it up... Perhaps I'm not meant to relive an experience such as this, maybe just not yet. I hope it does come again, and not be another of my dreams broken and left on the wayside.
K-On just reminds me so much of Gabriel, Guoren, Choon Wing and Sam... How everything felt so natural, so God-centered. Amidst the hard work, there were times with laughter, with sorrow, with joy and with pain. There were crises, there were advents, there were breakthroughs, there was a feeling of home that nothing else could trump. Such was the power of being in a Godly band like no other.
I miss it.
It meant so much to me.
Everytime I play Raindrops this is what I imagine. The sense of yearning, the intense glowing ember of a glorious era past, fading back into memory. It's my way of remembering this experience that I will keep for life.