As the year winds down... Saturdays are starting to free themselves up. Today's the first saturday in a long time I've got no appointments or outings to keep, and it does feel good, even empowering in a way.
Well over the week got started on Dragon Ball GT, which essentially is a 64 ep filler spin off of Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z, and lacks the character development and drive of the previous 2 series because of a change in the author.
Also another series called NANA about the tough, materialistic, painful and depressing life in Japan through the eyes of 2 20 year old girls who meet fortuitously on the train to Tokyo and again when they search for apartments to purchase, leading them to become great friends and become roommates. A classic example of looking for love and meaning in all the wrong places... And how to avoid living a life like theirs. A bit like a Korean Drama gone emo it seems, at least from my impressions of the first 4 eps.
One of the highlights of the week will have to be going down to the Singapore Conference Hall to support Vanessa for her guzheng comp. Pretty glad to have been invited and seen her play, it shows how deep a friendship we have. I must say I was thoroughly impressed at both the versatility of the guzheng and also by her technical ability. Confidently I would say that she was one of the better few, especially in terms of rhythmic sense and body movement. She was pretty close... Just outside the top 5 imo.
It was a tad dreary from hearing the same song 15 times, but I'm glad I still retained some of my aural skills to be able to tell who was bringing out the dynamics right, whether their instruments were tuned or not. As a result, predicted 4 out of the 5 finalists right! Just a little difference in control, body movement and confidence makes a whole lot of difference.
And the study of 1 Cor has come to an end. Must say I thoroughly enjoyed it, and hope that more book studies like this will come along my way. I'm confident that I know most of the content, and have applied it in my life in some ways. (Being a cell leader helped immensely) The most important theme of all: Love. If the Corinthians had practised that, Paul wouldn't even have had to write such a letter. No divisions, no sexual immorality, no stumbling, no selfishness at the Lord's supper, no lawsuits, no misuses of spiritual gifts, no inpropriety in worship would ever have occured. I hope thats what my cell brought back with them, and most importantly will live out. A life filled with love: for God, for self, and for others.
Well over the week got started on Dragon Ball GT, which essentially is a 64 ep filler spin off of Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z, and lacks the character development and drive of the previous 2 series because of a change in the author.
Also another series called NANA about the tough, materialistic, painful and depressing life in Japan through the eyes of 2 20 year old girls who meet fortuitously on the train to Tokyo and again when they search for apartments to purchase, leading them to become great friends and become roommates. A classic example of looking for love and meaning in all the wrong places... And how to avoid living a life like theirs. A bit like a Korean Drama gone emo it seems, at least from my impressions of the first 4 eps.
One of the highlights of the week will have to be going down to the Singapore Conference Hall to support Vanessa for her guzheng comp. Pretty glad to have been invited and seen her play, it shows how deep a friendship we have. I must say I was thoroughly impressed at both the versatility of the guzheng and also by her technical ability. Confidently I would say that she was one of the better few, especially in terms of rhythmic sense and body movement. She was pretty close... Just outside the top 5 imo.
It was a tad dreary from hearing the same song 15 times, but I'm glad I still retained some of my aural skills to be able to tell who was bringing out the dynamics right, whether their instruments were tuned or not. As a result, predicted 4 out of the 5 finalists right! Just a little difference in control, body movement and confidence makes a whole lot of difference.
And the study of 1 Cor has come to an end. Must say I thoroughly enjoyed it, and hope that more book studies like this will come along my way. I'm confident that I know most of the content, and have applied it in my life in some ways. (Being a cell leader helped immensely) The most important theme of all: Love. If the Corinthians had practised that, Paul wouldn't even have had to write such a letter. No divisions, no sexual immorality, no stumbling, no selfishness at the Lord's supper, no lawsuits, no misuses of spiritual gifts, no inpropriety in worship would ever have occured. I hope thats what my cell brought back with them, and most importantly will live out. A life filled with love: for God, for self, and for others.