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Vox Humana

497th post.

Its been a rather pleasant weekend, filled with Gihon and worship stuff. Really enjoyed myself baking with Gihon. Wished we could've taken a vid of everyone for Youth Day... Probably will have to meet them one day to film them haha. Probably will organise a homework doing session for them to complete everything before the hols end.

Well Father's Day celebrations today went quite well... Only had a couple of hours to practise for the hoedown, and practise for the worship went comparatively better than the prac during camp. It was my first time playing piano/organ/keys/trumpets/vox for worship, and I'm glad it went ok, and I did it with God.

Driving test is on friday... Not too worried about it, and also have no prob with failing it actually. Taking it easy, but hoping for good news. I guess its the peace that transcends all understanding thats taking over. And the most important thing for me for this test is not whether I pass or fail, but whether God was with me through it all.

To do list:
1. Take vid of Gihon
2. Prep for worship

Its getting real close to post 500! Woo exciting.


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