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=( My comp caught a weird virus... Took out Daryl's old CPU to use.

Woo. Well NDP this year was really an eye opener for me. Especially because I was involved behind the scenes, in a place where no one would expect me to be. It wasn't very fun, but it was interesting being part of security ops. I understood a lot more about what goes into a seemingly simple celebration. Its more than just fireworks, airplanes, and parachuters...

Heading back to camp soon... A little update before I go.

Not sure when my 8 SIG duty officially starts, but I know a lot of exciting things will be happening for me, including driving, meeting random acquaintances, cooking, gymming, spiritual disciplines, preparing for talks and worships, going for synthesis, more anime/facebook/manga/dota etc etc.

Also, there are a couple of interesting and funny clans within my company, like the Jap and anime loving group, the MvC & KoF group, the Thai song listening group, the PSP players, the MP3 listeners, the COSes, the garrison laptop players etc etc. And I'm already part of some of those groups heh. Its been really fun.

Soon I'll be coming up with a list of dates I'll be free... And then people can start booking me heh.

Learning points from Sunday:
Friendships should stem from the love of God and Christ
Loving someone = wanting the best for the person, even if you're not physically beside him/her
Accept, Encourage, Forgive, and Stick Together! ~ the 4 keys to a Christlike friendship
1 Cor 13... A message from Paul that will solve any conflict


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