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Heart Creuz

I've been posted to a new unit: 8th Signal Battalion. What we do there is quite a big secret, so I'm in no position to reveal anything. But knowing military secrets makes me feel very comfortable haha.

Right now I'm in a phase of unit life called the Unit Induction Programme. Its the toughest part of unit life, where you learn all the chim equipment and procedures, and your privileges like walking to cookhouse, eating extra food from the vending machines, listening to MP3s and going to bunk early get cancelled. Because of the studying till late hours, while feeling very bored it gets quite tough on your mind.

However, my current unit life isn't all that bleak: after I finish UIP I'll have access to the computers, be able to bring all sorts of things to camp, go to bunk early to rest, play soccer, go to the gym, use the vending machines and what not.


Alpha weekend was very very good for me. It was a time of renewal, a time of obtaining the peace of the holy spirit, and a time to worship God with the right mindset again. Ben's back! Took a couple of pics, my first few in a very long time. Looking back, I've seen the holy spirit move in my life and my ministry many times.

And I now can clearly see that whenever I come to a realisation of my mistakes I've made and write them down here, it was because the holy spirit convicted me to do so. Whenever I face difficult circumstances, the holy spirit pulls me through them. Whenever I worship the Lord with all my heart and soul, the holy spirit sends a wave of coldness through me and makes me want to cry; he tells me he's there. Thats the power of the holy spirit.


Have finally finished the Trinity Blood series, and it was really good. For those who like vampires, go find it at the last page of and click on the relevant links.

What is it about? The story is set in the future, and it begins when humans, fearing inadequate space to live on earth, decide to colonize Mars. In the process they find nanomachines called Bacillus, and are infected by it, causing them to become sentient vampires also known as Methuselah. When they return to earth, the differences between the Methuselah and humans spark off an apocalyptic war.

900 years after the war, the hatred between the races is eminent, and the only thing that prevents another full scale war is the presence of the Vatican. However, there is a society called the Rosencreuz Orden that desires for the destruction of the world. Inciting unrest, they try and turn the 2 now peaceful races against each other.

The story's main protagonist is a wandering priest by the name of Abel Nightroad, who is actually more than he seems... And when he meets a young nun by the name of Esther Blanchett, things start to change... The unfolding of new era, slowly and surely begins...


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