Over the past few months I've been having a sort of new hobby that really helps me destress quite a bit! Anime is good and all but I gain satisfaction in sort of working my brain out. So board games have become quite a good form of destress! Partially its the immersion in a whole new world and social part of it, but my brain enjoys a good workout. Have gotten a stash of board games, nothing that can rival Paul's but its slowly building up.
So far I've got:
Mansions of Madness - a thematic horror story-telling adventure kind of game in which one person (always me) plays the "bad guy"
Pandemic - a work together versus the board game to save the world from diseases kinda thing
Small World - a Risk-like every man for himself area grabbing game with special powers thrown in
Dead of Winter - a zombie apocalypse survivor game that's quite like the real deal but in board game form
I'm sort of a completionist also so I'll grab all the expansions for each game!
Had my 4th anniversary with Van on 13th Aug and that was a blast! We went cafe-hopping with a twist. I'm very pleased to have gone through 4 wonderful years. We've still got a couple more years, but we've survived so many life changes already I think its fantastic. She's my source of energy for those tiring days, and she's the reminder of the depth of God's blessing in my life. :D
This strange thing has been happening with my body being weird and waking me up early almost everyday. Some days its just 45 minutes earlier than my alarm, and other days is 2 hours earlier. Also have been dreaming more often. I'm not too sure what to think of it but it is taking a toll on my body. By 7-8pm I'd be a bit fatigued and 9-10pm plus I'd almost be knocked out and only be able to lie on my bed. I've been sleeping constantly at 11pm with no problems getting to sleep. Anyone knows what is wrong? :S This is a major contributor to me getting tired easily as well. The good thing is that it doesn't affect my work hmm. Oh wells.
Alright shall keep the momentum going and post another post whilst I'm at it!
So far I've got:
Mansions of Madness - a thematic horror story-telling adventure kind of game in which one person (always me) plays the "bad guy"
Pandemic - a work together versus the board game to save the world from diseases kinda thing
Small World - a Risk-like every man for himself area grabbing game with special powers thrown in
Dead of Winter - a zombie apocalypse survivor game that's quite like the real deal but in board game form
I'm sort of a completionist also so I'll grab all the expansions for each game!
Had my 4th anniversary with Van on 13th Aug and that was a blast! We went cafe-hopping with a twist. I'm very pleased to have gone through 4 wonderful years. We've still got a couple more years, but we've survived so many life changes already I think its fantastic. She's my source of energy for those tiring days, and she's the reminder of the depth of God's blessing in my life. :D
This strange thing has been happening with my body being weird and waking me up early almost everyday. Some days its just 45 minutes earlier than my alarm, and other days is 2 hours earlier. Also have been dreaming more often. I'm not too sure what to think of it but it is taking a toll on my body. By 7-8pm I'd be a bit fatigued and 9-10pm plus I'd almost be knocked out and only be able to lie on my bed. I've been sleeping constantly at 11pm with no problems getting to sleep. Anyone knows what is wrong? :S This is a major contributor to me getting tired easily as well. The good thing is that it doesn't affect my work hmm. Oh wells.
Alright shall keep the momentum going and post another post whilst I'm at it!