And so bidding is finished, and I've got all the modules I want! Here's a brief description of each.
1. PL 3232 - Biological Psychology
This is the bio part of psych (duh), focusing on how brain and body function determines a person's thoughts and behaviours. I'm quite looking forward to this, cos it's a merger of 2 of my favourite topics of study... How does the structure and functions of my brain make me different from anyone else in the world?
2. PL3233 - Cognitive Psychology
How do people think logically? What are their thought processes? How does the brain understand stimuli like light waves, sound and touch? These are the questions to find answers to here in this module.
3. JS1101E - Intro to Japanese Studies
Here's another one I'm looking forward to... It'll make my trips to the land of the rising sun a lot more meaningful than they have already been. Wonder what exactly they'll cover in the lectures. Exciting!
4. LAJ 2201 - Japanese 2
Finally gonna learn how to speak non formally... Enjoyed jap 1 thoroughly and scored well, so I figured I'd do Jap 2 as well! With my passion it should go great! Need to find old lecture and tutorial friends though!
5. GEK 1519 - Science of Music
This is a combi of music theory and physics... Which is pretty cool! After all the long years of doing piano, guitar, bass I'm finally studying in depth about it. It will be useful in YE or main's context I believe, to improve some of the facilities and equipment and such. Some more this module is non examinable! Bonus bonus!
This sem looks slightly less intense than the previous... So looking forward to it!
1. PL 3232 - Biological Psychology
This is the bio part of psych (duh), focusing on how brain and body function determines a person's thoughts and behaviours. I'm quite looking forward to this, cos it's a merger of 2 of my favourite topics of study... How does the structure and functions of my brain make me different from anyone else in the world?
2. PL3233 - Cognitive Psychology
How do people think logically? What are their thought processes? How does the brain understand stimuli like light waves, sound and touch? These are the questions to find answers to here in this module.
3. JS1101E - Intro to Japanese Studies
Here's another one I'm looking forward to... It'll make my trips to the land of the rising sun a lot more meaningful than they have already been. Wonder what exactly they'll cover in the lectures. Exciting!
4. LAJ 2201 - Japanese 2
Finally gonna learn how to speak non formally... Enjoyed jap 1 thoroughly and scored well, so I figured I'd do Jap 2 as well! With my passion it should go great! Need to find old lecture and tutorial friends though!
5. GEK 1519 - Science of Music
This is a combi of music theory and physics... Which is pretty cool! After all the long years of doing piano, guitar, bass I'm finally studying in depth about it. It will be useful in YE or main's context I believe, to improve some of the facilities and equipment and such. Some more this module is non examinable! Bonus bonus!
This sem looks slightly less intense than the previous... So looking forward to it!