Its been a pretty exciting week for me. A week of quite a few firsts I must say.
1. My first ever army sickbay experience
2. My first ever army guard duty experience
3. My first ever army attend c experience
It all started on monday, when I suddenly developed a fever at night, which reached as high as 39.0 degrees. Its a wonder how I managed to walk to the medical centre in Stagmont, take an ambulance, and arrive at the medical centre in Tengah Air Base. Stayed in the sickbay for monitoring...
Recovered the next morning. Felt ok enough to continue with lessons. So on and on I went until wed evening, when it was my turn to do guard duty. Prowling around the camp. Wasn't as bad as expected, but it was one of the things that made my sickness resurface.
Thursday afternoon. Started getting bouts of nausea. Had no appetite. Could only drink. Muscles started aching like crazy, especially the back muscles. Developed minor fever. Reported sick in the evening again, and was driven the same way to Tengah Air Base. The MO gave me an mc for 2 days, so I went home.
I guess now I'm pretty much ok, except for a little of that irritating back pain. Hope the Progressive Run tomorrow doesn't aggravate it. Otherwise I may miss much more than I already have.
I guess the book of Job was my inspiration for the past few weeks. Why do people suffer? Job tells us that not only sinners suffer, the righteous do as well, and the reason is because His glory can be shown. Job's 3 friends made the mistake of associating suffering with sin, which wasn't very accurate.
My suffering doesn't compare one bit to Job's. But I believe the way I handled it was good and pleasing in God's eyes, and my sergeants and bunk mates can see that too.
Sometimes I wonder why I still try my best, even if its something I don't enjoy or see myself doing in future. Especially the things I'm learning now here at the signal institute. The answer I got was simple: "To please Me." For me to do all things with Christ in mind is the greatest gift I can return to God for all the mercy and grace he has shown me, and I shall persevere.
1. My first ever army sickbay experience
2. My first ever army guard duty experience
3. My first ever army attend c experience
It all started on monday, when I suddenly developed a fever at night, which reached as high as 39.0 degrees. Its a wonder how I managed to walk to the medical centre in Stagmont, take an ambulance, and arrive at the medical centre in Tengah Air Base. Stayed in the sickbay for monitoring...
Recovered the next morning. Felt ok enough to continue with lessons. So on and on I went until wed evening, when it was my turn to do guard duty. Prowling around the camp. Wasn't as bad as expected, but it was one of the things that made my sickness resurface.
Thursday afternoon. Started getting bouts of nausea. Had no appetite. Could only drink. Muscles started aching like crazy, especially the back muscles. Developed minor fever. Reported sick in the evening again, and was driven the same way to Tengah Air Base. The MO gave me an mc for 2 days, so I went home.
I guess now I'm pretty much ok, except for a little of that irritating back pain. Hope the Progressive Run tomorrow doesn't aggravate it. Otherwise I may miss much more than I already have.
I guess the book of Job was my inspiration for the past few weeks. Why do people suffer? Job tells us that not only sinners suffer, the righteous do as well, and the reason is because His glory can be shown. Job's 3 friends made the mistake of associating suffering with sin, which wasn't very accurate.
My suffering doesn't compare one bit to Job's. But I believe the way I handled it was good and pleasing in God's eyes, and my sergeants and bunk mates can see that too.
Sometimes I wonder why I still try my best, even if its something I don't enjoy or see myself doing in future. Especially the things I'm learning now here at the signal institute. The answer I got was simple: "To please Me." For me to do all things with Christ in mind is the greatest gift I can return to God for all the mercy and grace he has shown me, and I shall persevere.