Well, I'm 18 now... So went clubbing to just get the general feel of things. Some of you guys may have gasped... But I assure you that I didn't drink, and I just went to see something new! I'll never go again though, its not my cup of tea.
So some of of us went down to the Butter Factory, which is quite a small club. Me, Rach, Gerald, Paul and his gf. Nothing much to do there except see people dance (well they at least try to) and look at all the strobe lights whirling around and stuff like that. Jon and Eugene joined us later after booking out of camp for the nat day holidays.
The thing that surprised me was that there was a small region in Singapore just dedicated to clubs. All the hoo-hah about Singapore being a conservative society isn't totally true after all. It was something I'd never expected or seen before. The architecture's very good! Here are some pics.
Beautiful Fountain!
The shelter above us... Nice!
One thing that amused me was the themed clubs. One example is Clinic, which is a club made to look like a hospital. In the inside, its all hospital beds and wheelchairs for seats. And the inside is decorated just like a mortuary with all the metal chambers for storing dead bodies. Yeah that kinda thing.
The day before that there was the national day celebrations in school. Ate lunch in the canteen, then joined the guys for a round of Mahjong at A64. Didn't win many games though. Hmm Leonard How joined me, BenZ, Leonard Loh, Kevin, Chris and Sam from S03H, and we played for quite some time. BenZ kept on winning lol.
Soon it was 5:30pm, and most of us guys went down to get the food for the class. Some of the S03H people sat above the mini-canteen. It was a really nice feeling sitting there actually. Looking at the sky and enjoying the food and company, with music in the distance and singing along to all the familiar songs.
The concert was ok. It was good, entertaining fun. MR got third. BW and BB tied for first. Quite sad. In all my years as a Morrison or MR member my house has never won.Haha never mind. On to the good stuff. I've finally found a scholarship that's actually useful in my case. The PSC Open-Med Local Scholarship. Registration opens 1st September, and I'm very excited about applying. But I think I'd better do a bit of research into it first. Wish me all the best!
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Faith! ~ Another post just for YE.