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RJC Bass Tutorial 1

Feeling highhhhh! From playing all that MSN solitaire. So, this is the first time I'm putting a convo on my blog. Read on to learn more... And prepare yourself for a large dosage of piano and bass theory!!!


and i'm sailiiiin says:
(BenLow) {} says:
hey man
whats up?
and i'm sailiiiin says:
hey sry was eating
howre u!
(BenLow) {} says:
haha quite ok
msn gaming haha
and i'm sailiiiin says:
tts gd
can teach me bass basics?
(BenLow) {} says:
haha sure
hmm after gaming k?
would around 9:30 be ok?
and i'm sailiiiin says:
(BenLow) {} says:
haha k
930 then =)
and i'm sailiiiin says:
thankss u rocks
(BenLow) {} says:
hey man
and i'm sailiiiin says:
(BenLow) {} says:
I'm done solitaireing
and i'm sailiiiin says:
oh okay
(BenLow) {} says:
k before I start with bass theory
do you have any musical knowledge or background?
and i'm sailiiiin says:
hahaha um grade 3 piano in p3 i cant rmbb
but sorta okay i guessss
(BenLow) {} says:
haha awesome thats good enough
k shall handwrite haha
and i'm sailiiiin says:
haha kk
(BenLow) {} writes:

and i'm sailiiiin says:
E a d g
now how to i rmb that
and um G is the one furthest away from me?
(BenLow) {} says:
usually I remember gdae
and i'm sailiiiin says:
oh cool!
(BenLow) {} says:
sounds like what an aussie would say haha
and i'm sailiiiin says:
gdae mate
(BenLow) {} says:
haha so once you got that memorised
you got the basics!
and i'm sailiiiin says:
hahaha oka
(BenLow) {} says:
hmm lets see what next
the G is the G below middle C
and i'm sailiiiin says:
oh so like low g?
(BenLow) {} says:
D is low D
A is low low A
E is low low E
and i'm sailiiiin says:
ohh okay
(BenLow) {} says:
in a 5 string bass the last string will be B
the low low low B
and i'm sailiiiin says:
ohhh last string meaning closest to me?
(BenLow) {} says:
and i'm sailiiiin says:
(BenLow) {} says:
theres a pattern
can you spot it?
and i'm sailiiiin says:
actually no
(BenLow) {} says:
in between each of them there are 3 notes
in other words the interval in between them is a perfect 5th
and i'm sailiiiin says:
whats a 5th
(BenLow) {} says:
a normal C scale will go
and i'm sailiiiin says:
(BenLow) {} says:
so a 5th is between the 1st and 5th note of the scale
so E to B is a 5th, C to G is a 5th and so on
same with F to C, A to E etc
so for GDAEB
G to D, D to A, A to E, E to B are all 5ths
and i'm sailiiiin says:
oh okay
(BenLow) {} says:
haha yeah
umm k
do you remember from your theory the various keys?
like G major D major etc?
and i'm sailiiiin says:
i dont rmb the chords
(BenLow) {} says:
hmm thats ok
umm remember how many sharps G major has?
and i'm sailiiiin says:
nope thats what i dont rmb
(BenLow) {} says:
haha k
umm lets go through that first
C major has no sharps or flats
G major has one sharp - F#
D major has two sharps - F# C#
and i'm sailiiiin says:
oh and what are the other keys ah/
(BenLow) {} says:
hmm k
some more keys coming your way
A major has 3 sharps - F# C# G#
do you see a pattern?
and i'm sailiiiin says:
(BenLow) {} says:
if you do you can guess what sharps E major has
and i'm sailiiiin says:
a sharp?
or b flat
or are those the same things
(BenLow) {} says:
yup those are the same things
and i'm sailiiiin says:
haha so issit a sharp?
(BenLow) {} says:
but its not A#
look at the interval in between each sharp
remember the 5ths just now?
look at the interval between each key also
they are 5ths also
and i'm sailiiiin says:
oh so d sharp?
(BenLow) {} says:
haha so if its B major
name all the sharps that it contains
and i'm sailiiiin says:
f# c# g# d# a#
(BenLow) {} says:
yeah awesome =)
and i'm sailiiiin says:
(BenLow) {} says:
k now we look at keys with flats
C major - no flats or sharps
F major - B flat
B flat major - B flat E flat
E flat major - B flat E flat A flat
see another pattern?
and i'm sailiiiin says:
three notes apart?
(BenLow) {} says:
thats sorta correct =)
and i'm sailiiiin says:
oh but whats the really correct answer
(BenLow) {} says:
you see the keys for sharps go forward
the keys for flats go backward
so you see the 5ths again
E flat to B flat, B flat ro F, F to C are all 5ths
but notice its going backwards instead of forwards
different from sharps
same with the flats

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(BenLow) {} says:
A flat to E flat, E flat to B flat are also 5ths
A flat major - B flat E flat A flat D flat
haha a bit tough to get right?
and i'm sailiiiin says:
haha yea sorta
(BenLow) {} says:
but once you get it right
answer this question:
name the flats D flat major has
then we'll go on to ther next part =)
and i'm sailiiiin says:
B flat E flat A flat D flat G flat?
(BenLow) {} says:
woo hoo awesome =)
and i'm sailiiiin says:
woohoo yay
(BenLow) {} says:
ok next part
then after this part time for a quiz haha
and i'm sailiiiin says:
(BenLow) {} says:
k back to this thingy
(BenLow) {} writes:

and i'm sailiiiin says:
(BenLow) {} writes:

(BenLow) {} says:
hmm you know that a bass has many many frets
and i'm sailiiiin says:
how many ah
(BenLow) {} says:
the one I have has 24
and i'm sailiiiin says:
omg! tts alot
(BenLow) {} says:
yeah haha
some electrics have 28 if I'm not wrong
some crazy songs need you to play around there haha
but the typical is 24
so each time you go up one fret
you go up by one semitone
you know what a semitone is?
and i'm sailiiiin says:
half a tone?
(BenLow) {} says:
and i'm sailiiiin says:
half a note?
oh kk
(BenLow) {} says:
so one semitone away from F is?
and i'm sailiiiin says:
f sharp?
(BenLow) {} says:
and i'm sailiiiin says:
(BenLow) {} says:
one semitone away from G?
and i'm sailiiiin says:
g sharp
(BenLow) {} says:
one semitone away from B?
and i'm sailiiiin says:
er c
(BenLow) {} says:
yeah k
and i'm sailiiiin says:
hahaha trick question!
(BenLow) {} says:
haha just testing =)
and i'm sailiiiin says:
hahahha yesyes
nice on
(BenLow) {} says:
(BenLow) {} writes:

(BenLow) {} says:
k so you know the starting notes for each string
which are?
and i'm sailiiiin says:
(BenLow) {} says:
so now we'll give each of them a name
g will be the first string
d the second string and so on
and i'm sailiiiin says:
(BenLow) {} says:
so using counting...
what note is the 5 fret on the second string?
and i'm sailiiiin says:
(BenLow) {} says:
and the 5th on the 3rd?
and i'm sailiiiin says:
(BenLow) {} says:
and the 5th on the 4th?
and i'm sailiiiin says:
(BenLow) {} says:
so theoretically...
the 5th fret of string 2 sounds exactly like open string 1
the 5th fret of string 3 sounds exactly like open string 2
etc etc
theres only one exception to this rule
which is when you haven't tuned your guitar correctly hahaha
and i'm sailiiiin says:
so thats how u tune?
(BenLow) {} says:
so you can use this relation between them to tune yes
and i'm sailiiiin says:
(BenLow) {} says:
k next question
12th fret of 1st string
and i'm sailiiiin says:
omgg wait ah my maths
(BenLow) {} says:
haha k
don't worry slowly does it
and i'm sailiiiin says:
higher g
(BenLow) {} says:
and i'm sailiiiin says:
so is every 12th fret a higher octave
of tt string
(BenLow) {} says:
so thats rule 2
same thing with 24th fret
and i'm sailiiiin says:
oh okay coo
so lets say for 28 issit 14 and 28?
(BenLow) {} says:
hmm not exactly
its 4, 16 and 28
not by doubling but by adding 12
and i'm sailiiiin says:
ohhh okay
(BenLow) {} says:
haha k
one last thing
a chord is comprised of something called a triad
and i'm sailiiiin says:
(BenLow) {} says:
which is the 1st, 3rd and 5th notes of a key
so a triad of G major is GBD
and i'm sailiiiin says:
oh okay
(BenLow) {} says:
whats the triad of C major?
and i'm sailiiiin says:
(BenLow) {} says:
F major?
and i'm sailiiiin says:
i rmb this! vaguely
(BenLow) {} says:
haha thats good =)
so this one is slightly more tricky
the triad of E major?
and i'm sailiiiin says:
sry ah handling alotta convoss
(BenLow) {} says:
haha no prob =)
and i'm sailiiiin says:
or issit e gsharp b?
(BenLow) {} says:
yup its E G# B
and i'm sailiiiin says:
yay i dno how i guessed that
(BenLow) {} says:
remember E major has 4 sharps!
and one of the is G#
k one last question to let you think about
haha I'll make it interesting enough ahhahaa
and i'm sailiiiin says:
hahaha kk
(BenLow) {} says:
In Vivek's latest performance on a bass, he was spotted using the 7th fret of the 1st string, the 7th fret of the 2nd string, the 9th fret of the 3rd string and the 10th fret of the 4th string. His performance was awesome. What chord was Vivek playing in? And assuming that Vivek wants his next performance to be in G major, what positions on the 4 strings should he play on? Explain your answer. (10)
Lol typical RJC
and i'm sailiiiin says:
hahaha yaaa
(BenLow) {} says:
haha I think playing the bass can be an examinable subject now haha
and i'm sailiiiin says:
E B g# D
that means um E major chord?
(BenLow) {} says:
haha you sure you got that right?
and i'm sailiiiin says:
um no im not
(BenLow) {} says:
haha k
you got 1 out of 4 right
and i'm sailiiiin says:
oh noo
wad did i get wrong
(BenLow) {} says:
haha the D is correct
don't worry try again =)
and i'm sailiiiin says:
oh okok
(BenLow) {} says:
hmm haha I gotta go
and i'm sailiiiin says:
oh okay
ill answer tmrw!
(BenLow) {} says:
why don't you copy paste the question on to word and work on it haha =)
and i'm sailiiiin says:
(BenLow) {} says:
yup ask vivek for help if you want ahhahaha
hope you learnt quite a bit
my teaching style is quite funny haha
k see ya!
and i'm sailiiiin says:
ur teaching style rocks!

take care
(BenLow) {} says:
yup you too =)


Haha glad you found it good Jheeva! Those who are aching to learn a new instrument... Why not pick up the bass? Got questions? Ask me. And I'll ask you many more questions in return haha. Try the question in the middle. If you need the answer come to me. Hope you guys had fun reading this.


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