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Labour Day

Hey guys... Happy labour day, though I don't think there's really much to be happy about no labour. Haha. Anyways... I'd like to announce that... I'm Music Director of RJGE! Woo hoo. I think its a pretty good post, especially because I'll be doing some conducting, as well as teaching the junior ensemble next year. Which is gonna be cool. I think I'll start preparing guitar notes or something.

And I've made my first major contribution to rock as well. I've asked Mr Mulyabi the school techncian about whether the PAC would be free for Raffles Rock bands to use on certain days without having to pay... And he said yes! Wow. And now we've got some place to practise in school. Feeling extremely good about rock and guitar. And I know that somehow I've made the right decision.

Oh yeah... And I've got a way to bring guitar, jazz and rock (3 rival CCAs) closer together. More about that for later posts.

Arghh... The Chelsea vs Man U game was really really depressing, not cos Chelsea won the title, but because Rooney broke the metatarsal bone in his foot. Which is seriously nott good for any footballer hoping to play in the world cup. So I guess its bye bye Rooney and bye bye England's world cup hopes. Anyways Chelsea won 3-0. And woot! Liverpool is level on points with Man U, though Man U has a game in hand.

Went to Potong Pasir today. And no, not to see Mr Chiam See Tong, but to see my PW group mates. Believe it or not, 4 of them all stay around the Potong Pasir area except me. And poor me had to go all the way there to meet them at the Macs opposite the CC. Actually I didn't mind going so far. It was kinda fun seeing the competition for a GRC. Especially since my Hong Kah GRC isn't contested.

But we finished the GPP in like 1 and 1 third hours? My PW group rocks. And KM brought his laptop, and psyray showed us lots of his Scout vids.

1. Psyray
2. YYY
3. KM
4. Sivanathan Jheevanesh
5. Ben(d)low

We rock. No doubt. And I saw Chiam See Tong face to face for the first time in my life. Although he just passed by in a campaign van.

After that went pool...

Paul 1 Me 0
Gerald 1 Me 0
Rachel 0 Me 1

And two days before when Nat came...

Nat 0 Me 2
Daryl 1 Me 1

Hmmm... Thinking of compiling my blog history in one word document. Should be worth some reading pleasure... Anybody wants my blog history can ask. Should be no prob. Especially if you wanna know what I was like and what I did in sec 3 and 4?

Ok some stuff for you YE people. While you guys were out giving away bread, me and my bros were at a wedding lunch eating lots of scrumptious stuff. Sorry guys... No pics. Hahaha.

Went for jazz on Friday. It was kinda good. But I got one conclusion. Too much of jazz or too much of rock can be poison. But well... What if guitar, jazz and rock work together? Haha heard that Adam is jazz chair. Maybe he Sam and Hyqel can do something about it...

Charmaine my pri school friend was singing right before the interval and she did really really well. I think she was the best J1 singer of the lot. After the interval the J2s came to play, and they were awesome. Technical skills totally pwned us, definitely! It was quite a good day. Cos I found out what Samba was. And we managed to encourage yzyz till he was quite happy.

Oh well. Time to work on my latest post.


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