It’s been nearly 4 years since the last time I posted, but it’s time for me to find myself again amidst the chaos of life. I’ve been through so many good highs but I am at a massively big low at the moment, and some times it feels like there is no more hope.
I have found solace in the beautiful soundtrack of ff13. The haunting melody of “The Promise” and it’s lyrics resonate with me.
Make my wish come true, let darkness fade to light
Show me there's still hope, show me it's not over
Battles we can win, our struggle lies within
Will we live to greet the dawn?
Love will not leave you, hate will not heal you
Promise me one day that peace shall reign
I honestly don’t know how things ended up this way. What a tragedy. All I can do now is numb my emotions so that I can function normally. Eventually, I really do hope I find peace.
This is a step forward, and despite making it with trepidation I know that God is with me, the only one I can trust.
That’s all for now. I hope this helps. If it doesn’t I am not sure what will.