Well, finally I've started watching an anime that I've been intending to catch a glimpse of for a long long time: Final Fantasy Unlimited. Sort of loosely based on the Final Fantasy Series, but with a whole plot of its own. Some things shared with final fantasy games is the inclusion of summons and the lovable chocobo! Cos of that I think I'll finish it pretty quick.

Chocobo! =D Cute and cuddly... Its times like this I want a chocobo plushie hehe.
Besides that, have been really really busy with the games stall for the carnival... Well every time I think I finish off the work that has to be done for it, more comes along. Its not the doing of the tasks that make me fatigued, but the sense of not being given complete instructions so I can finish the task in one go. Every time I'm supposed to have struck it off my to do list it comes back to haunt me in a way haha. Oh well, its part of being part of a big carnival, the tiredness and spontaneity so I'm not too flustered by it.
Got a few things left to do: cut out some rectangles from corrugated plastic to support the boards, edit the instruction board to show the different scoring system, get a roster out, and lastly and perhaps make a second board (which I think is unlikely cos we'd need double the manpower for the stall if so).
Today, I awoke at 4am... =.= Not knowing what to do I took a look at my old posts, those I wrote when I was sec4. I must say, there are some parts of me that haven't changed, and some parts that have. The most obvious changes are that of priority and stability, but for the most the 5 posts I wrote when I was discovering myself still hold true up till now. When it all began I lamented the fact that I had no idea what my identity in Christ was... But now I know full well, and I'm perfectly glad with it. =D This morning was a good time of reflecting on the reason why God has put me where I am, and I'm thankful for it.
No worries, I slept again at 7am and woke up at 1130am.
Since it's holidays, I've been playing Resonance of Fate, exercising (pull ups and running), practicing Chopin's Grande Valse Brilliante, and trying to continue with writing my simple fantasy novel. =) Making good progress in all those fronts.
Lastly, its been almost a year since I've gotten my driver's license, so in a month's time the triangle plate will be off! I must say I still dislike driving in peak period traffic, but I'll have to do it regularly eventually so we'll see how that goes.
15 posts to 600~!
Chocobo! =D Cute and cuddly... Its times like this I want a chocobo plushie hehe.
Besides that, have been really really busy with the games stall for the carnival... Well every time I think I finish off the work that has to be done for it, more comes along. Its not the doing of the tasks that make me fatigued, but the sense of not being given complete instructions so I can finish the task in one go. Every time I'm supposed to have struck it off my to do list it comes back to haunt me in a way haha. Oh well, its part of being part of a big carnival, the tiredness and spontaneity so I'm not too flustered by it.
Got a few things left to do: cut out some rectangles from corrugated plastic to support the boards, edit the instruction board to show the different scoring system, get a roster out, and lastly and perhaps make a second board (which I think is unlikely cos we'd need double the manpower for the stall if so).
Today, I awoke at 4am... =.= Not knowing what to do I took a look at my old posts, those I wrote when I was sec4. I must say, there are some parts of me that haven't changed, and some parts that have. The most obvious changes are that of priority and stability, but for the most the 5 posts I wrote when I was discovering myself still hold true up till now. When it all began I lamented the fact that I had no idea what my identity in Christ was... But now I know full well, and I'm perfectly glad with it. =D This morning was a good time of reflecting on the reason why God has put me where I am, and I'm thankful for it.
No worries, I slept again at 7am and woke up at 1130am.
Since it's holidays, I've been playing Resonance of Fate, exercising (pull ups and running), practicing Chopin's Grande Valse Brilliante, and trying to continue with writing my simple fantasy novel. =) Making good progress in all those fronts.
Lastly, its been almost a year since I've gotten my driver's license, so in a month's time the triangle plate will be off! I must say I still dislike driving in peak period traffic, but I'll have to do it regularly eventually so we'll see how that goes.
15 posts to 600~!