Feeling a bit under the weather, but thank God for a strong immune system. The runny nose started just yesterday... But besides that no fever and cough unlike my bro. So in today's lessons, pretty much had to disrupt class by blowing my nose a couple of times.
I think I'll be alright. =D
Today's jap tutorial we played blow wind blow, jap style. Which shows how adept my command of Japanese is now. The tutorial was a blast, and we were all scampering around like little school kids haha. "Megane o kaketeiru hito!" and I'd have to go running to get a spot to sit haha. I'm really glad I've come this far in learning a third language, and I guess after this I should work on my fourth (sign language), which I've neglected since I've begun uni.
Lastly, have started on Kimi Ni Todoke... After the first episode I can tell that this specific anime will mean a lot to me. In the main character I already see myself in the past, in all my timidness and being left out. The journey to the opening up of her world is like my own... So really looking forward to watching more of it!
Besides that, watching GTO, another legendary anime that an anime buff simply can't miss. About an ex-gangster whose dream is to become Japan's best teacher, and his unorthodox ways of dealing with the students. The laughs are certainly great, but the main gist of it is living by the values that you've set up for yourself and never compromising on them. Which makes this another great anime to catch.

And so, I've also completed my cog psych paper and concert review. Only 2 submissions and 2 tests left. So on we go... 4 weeks to exams!
I think I'll be alright. =D
Today's jap tutorial we played blow wind blow, jap style. Which shows how adept my command of Japanese is now. The tutorial was a blast, and we were all scampering around like little school kids haha. "Megane o kaketeiru hito!" and I'd have to go running to get a spot to sit haha. I'm really glad I've come this far in learning a third language, and I guess after this I should work on my fourth (sign language), which I've neglected since I've begun uni.
Lastly, have started on Kimi Ni Todoke... After the first episode I can tell that this specific anime will mean a lot to me. In the main character I already see myself in the past, in all my timidness and being left out. The journey to the opening up of her world is like my own... So really looking forward to watching more of it!
Besides that, watching GTO, another legendary anime that an anime buff simply can't miss. About an ex-gangster whose dream is to become Japan's best teacher, and his unorthodox ways of dealing with the students. The laughs are certainly great, but the main gist of it is living by the values that you've set up for yourself and never compromising on them. Which makes this another great anime to catch.

And so, I've also completed my cog psych paper and concert review. Only 2 submissions and 2 tests left. So on we go... 4 weeks to exams!