After all the cog psych mugging, bio psych presentation preparations... Surprisingly still am a week ahead of preparations for my school work... Really cannot believe how everything just fell into place. With a great group mate for the presentation, with a sudden relief of stress with just entrusting the cognitive psych test into God's hands, and timely reminders not to rely on self but on God. Everything just went right despite of my own pride and sinfulness. In mid week and till just yesterday... Felt drained as a result of studying and feeling not being able to absorb much of anything. But no worries, its been resolved. Because I know that I've put in my best effort, and God can do amazing things when you trust Him for providence. Also feel that in Gihon there's a strong and pure desire to find God amidst the chaos of the world. People are actively asking questions, helping each other with the problems in their lives, and showing each other what true Christian living is ...