Watching Gintama now... Its designed for anime buffs like me, with allusions to many other anime series. Enjoying it thoroughly, and highly recommended for other like minded anime supporters! The story's about the japanese feudal era with a twist... Aliens called Amanto have invaded it and changed it into a futuristic sort of place, whilst still letting humans live and run free. Its a mix of loads of random comedy mashed into one nice anime! Thumbs up!
Here's a pic.

Well, my birthday will be here soon, and truth be told I'm wasn't really very psyched about it. To me it'd have been like just any other day... At least that was until I was talking to Regina online. She says some really mature things for her age. About how it was the day 21 years ago that God brought me safely to this earth, to become the person who I am right now. That thought just blew my mind, and I guess I'm looking forward to my birthday now. And now I see others birthdays in a whole new light as well.
29 days!
Here's a pic.

Well, my birthday will be here soon, and truth be told I'm wasn't really very psyched about it. To me it'd have been like just any other day... At least that was until I was talking to Regina online. She says some really mature things for her age. About how it was the day 21 years ago that God brought me safely to this earth, to become the person who I am right now. That thought just blew my mind, and I guess I'm looking forward to my birthday now. And now I see others birthdays in a whole new light as well.
29 days!