Being attached to church is a really interesting thing, and I'm currently doing something different every single day, which is the coolest part of working in the church. Heres a list of the random things I've done so far from tuesday to now.
1. Went to IT fair to buy CD-Rs to record sermons and a Harddisk as a love gift for YE's next speaker
2. Taught BB junior boys drill commands and steps
3. Observed an elderly worship and singspiration session
4. Sorted out BB and GB uniforms for the kids
5. Went to army market to buy logistics for BB junior Adventure Quest
6. Talked to an old granny in hokkien whilst eating at the coffee shop
7. Sort of did a bit for the Easter Service Flyer
8. Filled in an activity sheet on pastoral visitation
9. Went to uncle Chong Keat's cremation
10. Went for a Cambodia mission trip prayer session
11. Planned for BB GB junior games day
12. Wrote notes for some people in YE
13. Planned for CG on saturday
14. Ate 15 meatballs at IKEA
Just in 3 days I've experienced such a wide scope of activities church workers do, and I just thank God for the experience. Fun right? Join serve and you'll experience it!
To do list for tmr till Sunday:
1. Buy refreshments for BB GB games day with Esther and aunty KF
2. Do ppt and prep for BB senior devotion
3. Chair BB GB games day!
4. Plan games for church camp with Charis
5. Borrow ungame from aunty KF
Alright lets get crackin'!
1. Went to IT fair to buy CD-Rs to record sermons and a Harddisk as a love gift for YE's next speaker
2. Taught BB junior boys drill commands and steps
3. Observed an elderly worship and singspiration session
4. Sorted out BB and GB uniforms for the kids
5. Went to army market to buy logistics for BB junior Adventure Quest
6. Talked to an old granny in hokkien whilst eating at the coffee shop
7. Sort of did a bit for the Easter Service Flyer
8. Filled in an activity sheet on pastoral visitation
9. Went to uncle Chong Keat's cremation
10. Went for a Cambodia mission trip prayer session
11. Planned for BB GB junior games day
12. Wrote notes for some people in YE
13. Planned for CG on saturday
14. Ate 15 meatballs at IKEA
Just in 3 days I've experienced such a wide scope of activities church workers do, and I just thank God for the experience. Fun right? Join serve and you'll experience it!
To do list for tmr till Sunday:
1. Buy refreshments for BB GB games day with Esther and aunty KF
2. Do ppt and prep for BB senior devotion
3. Chair BB GB games day!
4. Plan games for church camp with Charis
5. Borrow ungame from aunty KF
Alright lets get crackin'!