Went down to church today to help out for the Christmas drama for main service. Was a bit unwilling, but got into the mood... I guess helping out in little things is really refreshing after all. One thing that I've learnt today about myself is despite my thin stature and small muscles, I am pretty strong. Who knows how strong I'll be if I train even more lol.
The overall experience was eye opening; a combination of adult, young adult, youth, pastoral staff and people from an external church were down to lend their support in various ways, and that was what really inspired me. Tomorrow is gonna be another huge day for those helping out, and I'm looking forward to it. Hope to see more youth...
But the most special thing for me is every year I get to help out in a different way. Two years ago was playing bass for the band during christmas. Last year was an usher outside: which means I didn't get to watch any performances... And this year, I am a logistics helper for a drama. Wonder what next years Christmas will be like? =)
On a different note, anyone willing to sell an 80GB or 160GB iPod Classic? I'd rather buy from a friend, but if no one replies, I'll go to the forums for a deal. Finally in my 20 years of life I'm getting myself a Christmas present. And that reminds me. I haven't gotten myself an ORD present yet. =) =) =)
The overall experience was eye opening; a combination of adult, young adult, youth, pastoral staff and people from an external church were down to lend their support in various ways, and that was what really inspired me. Tomorrow is gonna be another huge day for those helping out, and I'm looking forward to it. Hope to see more youth...
But the most special thing for me is every year I get to help out in a different way. Two years ago was playing bass for the band during christmas. Last year was an usher outside: which means I didn't get to watch any performances... And this year, I am a logistics helper for a drama. Wonder what next years Christmas will be like? =)
On a different note, anyone willing to sell an 80GB or 160GB iPod Classic? I'd rather buy from a friend, but if no one replies, I'll go to the forums for a deal. Finally in my 20 years of life I'm getting myself a Christmas present. And that reminds me. I haven't gotten myself an ORD present yet. =) =) =)