Hiya there... Blogging from camp today, with 95 days to ORD, and 11 days to book out.
Played soccer for the first time in a long time. Haven't lost my scoring touch though lol, but my stamina is now insanely bad. The knee pain didn't act up, cos I was mostly only walking, except only for short bursts of running. Got my first ever bee sting on my shoulder during the session. Felt numbness in the right arm, but healed up pretty fast after I plucked the stinger out.
A movie I watched in camp for Christian fellowship got me thinking about commitment. The movie was about a christian missionary who at first foresook his missions to do what he was good at: athletics. This brought up an interesting question... Which of these things should he have done instead? All of us go through this dilemma: serve, or hone your talents? So, this guy called Eric Liddell made it to the Olympics in France eventually.
Another dilemma faced him. The event he was good at, the 100m race, was held on Sunday, which he kept holy as a Sabbath day, and did not do any work. Should he race, or should he forfeit his best event? His choice was to not race, instead opting for an event which he had never run before: the 400m race, which was held on a thursday instead. And, by God's grace, he won.
Something he said to the audience that was key to his victory: a relationship with God, which allowed him to make all the right decisions, as well as a willingness to sacrifice his best, in a way similar to Abraham, who was asked to sacrifice Isaac in the bible.
How bout me? I guess its time to ask God clearly. What am I to do with my future? So many choices, so many paths to take. I can only pray that He closes some of them for me to make my choice easier, and continue to have a great relationship with Him, to know Him more.