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Good News

Well a couple of exciting things happened the past few days:

1. Avatar the Last Airbender movie/finale!

2. Before the Diffusion

3. Sunday duty finally over!

4. Cut (most of) my hair...

I'm getting more and more white hair... =(


Have been studying the difference between the 4 gospels... And after reading some material it kinda made some sense why there had to be 4 gospels. Each gospel portrays Christ in some way, and is targetted at a group of people.

Matthew: to the Jews, portrays Christ as King of the Jews

A big source of evidence is in the genealogy that is traced to Abraham, the forefather of all the Israelites/Jews. The phrase "to fufill what the Lord had said through the prophet" is repeated 29 times in the book, which is a reference to texts only Jews knew.

Mark: to the Romans, portrays Christ as a powerful servant

In Mark the majority of it consists of Jesus doing miracles, twenty of them in total. A lot... Also, Mark left out many things... Like Mary's virgin birth, visit of the wise men, sermon on the mount, or quotation from prophetic books. Because of Mark's portrayal of Jesus as a servant there was no need to include those details.

Luke: to the Greeks, portrays Christ as the perfect man

Luke wrote down many portions on Jesus's interaction with other people and how in comparison, he was blameless and beautiful. He writes about Jesus's childhood, likening him to people like you and me, yet Luke shows how Jesus is somehow different. He also records the many prayers that Jesus prayed...

John: to the unbeliever, portrays Christ as the saviour of the world!

To prove that Christ was the Messiah/Saviour that people all around the world were waiting for, John showed His obvious relationship to God. In the book of John, Jesus refered to God as His father, a total of 35 times. Also, some facts like genealogy, birth, boyhood, temptation, transfiguation were not recorded by John. But he puts across the fact the Jesus isn't only a mere man in the opening chapters.

Ok... I guess thats all... Maybe I'll post some pics for BtD next post.


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