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Showing posts from April, 2008


Isaiah 1:11 was like a rude shock to me. More like a tight slap actually. Yup I've been reading through Isaiah. Here goes: "The multitude of your sacrifices -- what are they to me?" says the Lord. "I have more than enough of burnt offerings, of rams and the fat of fattened animals; I have no pleasure in the blood of bulls and lambs and goats." - Isaiah 1:11 What I got from this passage was about sacrifices, and the meaning behind each and every sacrifice you make. Everytime you serve, you sacrifice something for God. Be it your time, your energy, your focus. You incur opportunity cost. But whenever you serve with the wrong purpose, this is what God's response will be. The Israelites just sacrificed without hearts of repentance, sacrificing just for ritual's sake. The meaning of the sacrifice was lost. Like them, my service these days have lost this focus. But this portion reminded me that I have a great God who forgives all who really are sorry for what ...

Emo emo.

Sometimes I'm afraid of losing my focus. Ok correction. I'm very afraid. These days I've been feeling quite empty, like something is missing. Perhaps I'm missing a goal for ns as a whole, but maybe something more that I just can't put my finger on. My service to God has... Diminished somewhat. Not in terms of the amount I'm doing. But for the attitude and commitment. Effects of ns? No idea. But these days I've been feeling guilty... I feel that I'm playing guitar, contributing in cell, going to SYC just to keep noticed by those around me. Its like you're beginning to fall from some high place, but you're trying to keep yourself there. I know I still love Him, but some knots are beginning to get undone. I think I'll need prayer...


Post 350! Insanely excited about this upcoming week cos of a few things: 1. Med stuff finally came! Essay writing and Psychometric Assessment is on the 27th at 2pm Two interviews are on 3rd May 12pm 2. Continuing on my jap and sign language learning Have memorised A-J for sign language. And writing vowels, k sounds, s sounds and t sounds for japanese hiragana. Looking forward to learning more... Finally learning something I'm interested in during army time. 3. Youth Alpha Sherine's coming for alpha! Have gone through previous sessions with her. She'll reach around 2:30pm which I think should be an ok time. All you YE people please make her feel welcome! 4. Signals course Things are starting to look up, really up IMO. 2 weeks left to the completion of the course... For the first time I'm looking forward to it, and looking forward to going to Taiwan after. 5. Anime Both Bleach and Naruto animes are starting on what looks like very exciting filler arcs... One Piece manga i...

Updates, Updates.

Well once again I'm here at the comp at home doing my weekly update. A shoutout to my friends who're having their birthdays around this time of year. There're really lots of you guys guh. And also all the best to new ns enlistees. Though they should theoretically be in confinement period about this time. I've talked with Kenneth... And he's in the same company as me when I was in BMT. Talk about coincidence... *** Ok an update on my "dilemma" which was highlighted in a previous post... I've decided that both alternatives aren't too bad really, and I have no qualms on either happening. Well let me explain... Basically my platoon now has been visited by people from 1SIR, also known as the 1st Singapore Infantry Regiment. Well what do they do there? They conduct training for infantry people, and they need a signal platoon there to help in communications. So 33 out of 45 people in my platoon will be chosen to go there instantly without a need for posti...

Dust And Ashes

Its been a pretty exciting week for me. A week of quite a few firsts I must say. 1. My first ever army sickbay experience 2. My first ever army guard duty experience 3. My first ever army attend c experience It all started on monday, when I suddenly developed a fever at night, which reached as high as 39.0 degrees. Its a wonder how I managed to walk to the medical centre in Stagmont, take an ambulance, and arrive at the medical centre in Tengah Air Base. Stayed in the sickbay for monitoring... Recovered the next morning. Felt ok enough to continue with lessons. So on and on I went until wed evening, when it was my turn to do guard duty. Prowling around the camp. Wasn't as bad as expected, but it was one of the things that made my sickness resurface. Thursday afternoon. Started getting bouts of nausea. Had no appetite. Could only drink. Muscles started aching like crazy, especially the back muscles. Developed minor fever. Reported sick in the evening again, and was driven the same w...