Whee I've decided that A levels are officially over for me. Cos all that remains is H3 Bio, which is theoretically inconsequential. So today was the last day of As, and at the end of the exam a gigantic bubble of emotion rose up from within me. Couldn't help but praise the Lord for everything He's been doing, especially for keeping morale up throughout, and showing me His awesome presence each day.
I love You from the depths of my heart
And nothing here will tear us apart
Everything's beautiful with You
Everything's beautiful with You
When You invade my life
And I'm living just to say that
I love You
This song was ringing through my head today. "Stronger" by Delirious.
Well an update on my NAPFA preps. I've made it to 8 pull ups, and everything else is looking pretty good. (Woot I've got nice abs now) The only concern is still sit and reach, and it seems stupid that I may fail just because of a station that isn't even included in the actual IPPT.
Yup but I've got 2 more tries if I don't make it on the 28th. So I'm not too worried. For now.
For some odd reason I've finished the entire anime series of One Piece till the latest episode. And I'm halfway through Full Metal Alchemist. All during the exam period. That makes it a total of 330 + 25 + newest naruto and bleach episodes. How did that happen? Beats me.
Darren discovered a new anime that we're watching which is based on a computer game of sorts. Its name is Clannad, and its pretty good in terms of entertainment. If you look at his subnick online it'll say something about dango, which is a Japanese sweet snack, and it plays quite a large role in the ending song.
Dango, dango, dango, dango
Dango Daikazoku!
Erps. Ok the storyline revolves around two main characters from the computer game, Tomoya and Nagisa, and the happenings in their school. Well Tomoya and his friend Sunohara are the slackers/delinquents of the school, and their lives start to change when Tomoya befriends Nagisa one day (randomly) and tries to help her resurrect the school's drama club.
A lot of things in the anime are pretty random, and there are a couple of very LOL! moments. If you like Bishoujo/Bishounen comedies you'll like this one.
Ok finally plans for this week!
Thurs: Eden-Sol dinner!
Sat: First SYC meeting! ~ Notice the new tag/labels...
Mon: H3 Bio
I'm only accepting more outings after Wed. Yups congratulations to all who've finished As! Well done.
I love You from the depths of my heart
And nothing here will tear us apart
Everything's beautiful with You
Everything's beautiful with You
When You invade my life
And I'm living just to say that
I love You
This song was ringing through my head today. "Stronger" by Delirious.
Well an update on my NAPFA preps. I've made it to 8 pull ups, and everything else is looking pretty good. (Woot I've got nice abs now) The only concern is still sit and reach, and it seems stupid that I may fail just because of a station that isn't even included in the actual IPPT.
Yup but I've got 2 more tries if I don't make it on the 28th. So I'm not too worried. For now.
For some odd reason I've finished the entire anime series of One Piece till the latest episode. And I'm halfway through Full Metal Alchemist. All during the exam period. That makes it a total of 330 + 25 + newest naruto and bleach episodes. How did that happen? Beats me.
Darren discovered a new anime that we're watching which is based on a computer game of sorts. Its name is Clannad, and its pretty good in terms of entertainment. If you look at his subnick online it'll say something about dango, which is a Japanese sweet snack, and it plays quite a large role in the ending song.
Dango, dango, dango, dango
Dango Daikazoku!
Erps. Ok the storyline revolves around two main characters from the computer game, Tomoya and Nagisa, and the happenings in their school. Well Tomoya and his friend Sunohara are the slackers/delinquents of the school, and their lives start to change when Tomoya befriends Nagisa one day (randomly) and tries to help her resurrect the school's drama club.
A lot of things in the anime are pretty random, and there are a couple of very LOL! moments. If you like Bishoujo/Bishounen comedies you'll like this one.
Ok finally plans for this week!
Thurs: Eden-Sol dinner!
Sat: First SYC meeting! ~ Notice the new tag/labels...
Mon: H3 Bio
I'm only accepting more outings after Wed. Yups congratulations to all who've finished As! Well done.