I can't believe its ending. And the feeling is different from when guitar ended. At that point of time it was a mixture of feelings, joy, emptiness, relief and sadness. But now all I feel is pure sorrow.
It just dawned on me that after today I'd never have the chance to take the train to Yew Tee, get on bus service 302, travel to Choa Chu Kang Crescent, take the lift to the 16th floor, get into my teacher's house, wash my hands and feet, seat myself down at the piano and play for all that I was worth again.
The memories... They're just too wonderful.
The fun destressing times I'd have listening to classical music from my teacher's CD player.
The stressful class performances that would keep me full of adrenaline.
The insightful lessons that would keep me wanting more music in my life.
The periods after class when I'd stroll into the 7-11 at the void deck of my teacher's house and buy myself a bottle Pink Dolphin, Green Tea, Pepsi Twist or Lemon Tea.
The time spent watching TV at my teacher's house whilst waiting for my dad to pick me up.
The banks of the beautiful sparkling canal that I'd sit at before lessons when I was too early.
Thank you, Ms Ng, for being a wonderful teacher. I'll be back, maybe in a couple of years. Until then... I wish you all the best. I'll miss your guidance. God bless.
Its hard to say it, time to say it.
Goodbye, goodbye.
It just dawned on me that after today I'd never have the chance to take the train to Yew Tee, get on bus service 302, travel to Choa Chu Kang Crescent, take the lift to the 16th floor, get into my teacher's house, wash my hands and feet, seat myself down at the piano and play for all that I was worth again.
The memories... They're just too wonderful.
The fun destressing times I'd have listening to classical music from my teacher's CD player.
The stressful class performances that would keep me full of adrenaline.
The insightful lessons that would keep me wanting more music in my life.
The periods after class when I'd stroll into the 7-11 at the void deck of my teacher's house and buy myself a bottle Pink Dolphin, Green Tea, Pepsi Twist or Lemon Tea.
The time spent watching TV at my teacher's house whilst waiting for my dad to pick me up.
The banks of the beautiful sparkling canal that I'd sit at before lessons when I was too early.
Thank you, Ms Ng, for being a wonderful teacher. I'll be back, maybe in a couple of years. Until then... I wish you all the best. I'll miss your guidance. God bless.
Its hard to say it, time to say it.
Goodbye, goodbye.