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Mooncake Festival

Its been quite some time since I attended an official mooncake festival procession. Back in the old days lanterns used to seem so appealing. But now, mooncake festival takes on a whole new meaning now that I'm seventeen.

Friday after jamming I went down to the CAP at block 48 near my church to go see how the church people and those in the neighbourhood were mingling. It was pretty ok, lively, noisy, entertaining and such. Spent some time talking with the old folks with my mom and dad. Besides that I didn't really do much except eat lots and lots of mooncakes and drink lots of tea haha.

Heres a pic of the place.

There were Guzheng performances, movie screenings and photo taking sessions going on. Took one photo with the rest of YE, and ugh when will I ever become photogenic hahaha. I think my eyes were closed in the picture. And I was in the front row some more.

Mooncake Festival for me was more of a time to look at nature around me and enjoy it just at it was. Looking at the moon made me... Calm? Even with all the busy stuff around it just reminded me of God's presence and his guidance. Nothing else mattered besides that. Its quite amazing the way a chinese festival can remind you of your own belief.

It was a wonderful night, can't deny that. Sitting at the patio and later on my bed looking at the moon was pretty awesome.


Lets play a little game shall we? Try guessing what songs these lyrics are from. I'll tell you why we're doing this later. =P

"When you want to give up and your heart's about to break, remember that you're perfect, God makes no mistakes." ~???, Bon Jovi

"I was so high I did not recognize the fire burning in her eyes; the chaos that controlled my mind." ~???, ???

"Every memory of looking out the back door, I had the photo album spread out on my bedroom floor; its hard to say it, time to say it: goodbye, goodbye." ~??? Nickelback

"But open our hearts and fill up the emptiness, with nothing to stop us, is it not worth the risk?" ~???, The Calling

"When I sleep, I dream and it gets me by; I can make believe that you're here tonight." ~???, Yellowcard

"Maybe we've been living with our eyes half open, maybe we're bent and broken." ~???, ???

"When everything feels like the movies; yeah, you bleed just to know you're alive." ~???, Goo Goo Dolls

"Someone told me love would all save us, but how can that be? Look what love gave us." ~???, ???

"Go easy on my conscience, cos it's not my fault; I know I've been taught to take the blame." ~???, Robbie Williams

Try filling in the blanks and question marks! K so what do these songs have to do with anything? Well... Some of them will be played during my band's (Eden-Sol's) evangelistic gig open to all RJC students!

Eden-Sol @ the 3rd Place

Date: 23rd Oct

Time: Be seated by 7:30

Venue: Third Place, Outram

Drinks and Snacks provided.

How do I get an invitation? Easy... Just approach any Eden-Sol member and request for one. Christians attending, do try and bring a friend down and let them hear the good news!

(Alternatively... Non RJC students as well as anyone interested can come down to Ben & Jerry's at the Cathay on 16th Oct, Tuesday for a gig by Eden-Sol. Please support us and Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream. This isn't confirmed, so more details will be posted here.)


K those interested can tag the board. Well I've finally got a shaver! Facial hair bye bye... (Does not include eyebrows though duh) K thats all the random stuff I have for you guys for now. Look out for the long awaited ch 1 of the story. (If I get to it that is hahaha)


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