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Hey guys... Sorry about the previous angsty post. Just felt I had no control at all over the situation, and thus wasn't very happy about it. Well, now there are much more important things to think of besides that kind of thing. So... I'd like to forget about that and just continue on with life.

I really think that I say way too much on my blog, however, I feel accountable to all you people out there to the extent that I have to say how I truly feel and not hide my intentions or my true feelings. I just hope that this won't have any adverse impacts on my well-being. However I need you guys to realise that I cannot disclose certain things to you guys to protect others and myself of course. Thanks for understanding how I feel, and thank you for being there for me.

On an unrelated (yet somewhat related) note, I suddenly realise why qq keeps changing her blog address.


Today woke up feeling really sleepy... Only 14 hours of sleep in 3 days = one sleepy guy. Hooray for the World Cup and the Anime on Kids Central haha. Went to Faith Methodist at Commonwealth to attend a youth ministry seminar/talk kinda thingy. I think Hui Juan and Sarah were supposed to go but they had something on, so me and Myrtle took over from them.

Sat through the first talk, the speaker was pretty hilarious, but nothing really struck me. The speaker was talking about how to build a good youth ministry. I took down some notes... But I guess that was it for me. The second talk came after a good tea break/reception that was held on the third floor of the church. This talk was about small groups within a youth ministry... In other words... BS groups. I wasn't a BS leader, so I didn't absorb much.

Aunty K, Myrtle and I were feeling a bit woozy and tired from that talk, and we walked out to the Tanglin Halt Food Centre for some stuff to eat. Aunty K bought a packet of Nerds for us to eat during the talk to keep us awake haha.

But ironically... It was the last talk that gave me the most, though after I absorbed that portion I went into a sort of sleepy trance state, whereas Myrtle was drawing stuff all over her paper. The last talk was about mentoring, and I guess Aunty K's gonna assign us older people to buddy some young ones in YE. So this was the most important portion.

Mentoring... Is a relational experience, about empowering others, about sharing God-given resources. Over the years there has been some stuff that Shirley has taught me... And I wanna share those God-given resources to someone else. We'll see who it is...

This quote from the worksheet struck me. Cos it cleared my doubts about recent things that have been happening.

"None of us are fully equipped to excel in life. Our weaknesses, blind spots, limited capabilities and lack of experience all point to one thing - INTERDEPENDENCE." - Robert Clinton

Sometimes I wonder why I rely so much on my friends. I wonder why they hurt me some times. I wonder why I didn't need friends in the past, but now I need them. This is the reason I've found, and I'm glad there are so many friends in my life now! =) And I hope all of you feel the same way.


Thursday was worship prac day... Met Rach after getting some shut eye at the library (though I played chess with Sam) and we made our way down to Orchard to meet Yan Leen and Gerald. Then we went to church via bus for dinner.

Practice was pretty ok... Though I know Mel was a bit unhappy about the sudden changes in song choices (from her BLOG of course =P). I think us musicians know the songs quite well even though we had to change a few songs. Don't worry Mel... Even with the changes in songs we're gonna do awesome! Youth Sunday's gonna be a blast. I promise. With all the veterans in the worship team we'll do fine.

Thanks Aunty K for driving me and Grace home! My dad was kinda busy... And I think he got diarrhoea or something. Or was that on Friday?


Speaking of friday... It was the most exciting day of the week! Though the lessons were bores. PW, GP, Econs... For 4 hours in total = A extremely sleepy guy. Met up with Raffles Rock people. Now there are only 3 bands left... Marcus's, Jia Hua's and mine. We were talking about CIP, and performing on national day... Super excited! And jamming as well. We'll be playing...

Superman - Five For Fighting
Better Man - Robbie Williams
Here Without You - Three Doors Down

Those songs are for jamming on Tuesday. And of course we'll be working on our national day concert line up during that time. The song list will include Here Without You, one super high song (undecided) and of course our own composition.


After that it was guitar, and I was even more excited... My first lesson as MD! I even prepared some notes for the guitar people. Want the notes about Scales? Ask me directly. Want to provide some feedback on the lessons? E-mail at or tag the board here.

Spent some time teaching at Section 2... I was pretty lax cos some of them needed more time to practice. And once Ling Ting came, I went on my rounds around to other sections.

Section 1 - Chin Heng

Probably the funniest ever. Chin Heng was using this nice sabo method to force the section 1 people to play. Chin Heng would teach first, then choose a person to play, and then once the person finishes, the person would choose another person to sabo. It was pretty fun watching that practice haha. And I got saboed twice. =( Haha.

Section 3 - Ben Tham

When I came here Ben was helping someone restring the guitar cos a string snapped. I could see that the people in that section were super serious about learning more, just like the people in section 2. And it was nice to see them wanting to learn new stuff.

Section 4 - Karthik

This section was the fastest. When I reached them they were doing the optional stuff already. I was really impressed. Karthik made the environment really condusive for learning, and he kept encouraging them and shouting guitar 4 rocks! Comical, but it spurred the section 4 people on.


Ok after that I held my very first lecture. I made it as hilarious as I could, and hopefully everyone found it enriching and entertaining. I acted like a lecturer, drawing from my past experiences with our bio lecturer Mr Ngan. In fact I tried to act and sound like him... And some of the bio students were laughing.

So well... I came out from this experience pretty much happy. And the fact that Hongyue (the previous MD) was there made me even more encouraged. Though Scales was kinda dry as a topic, I think the SLs did exceptionally well at teaching it. And I think it was a pretty good effort, cos no other guitar exco have held these kind of extensive teaching sessions before. And I'm gonna try and make this batch of RJGE people the most proded (or most in love with guitar) of all time! And I mean it. =)


Oh... Germany vs Portugal tonight... Pretty tough to predict, just like the Italy Germany and France Portugal matches. Looking forward to it! (though I got less sleep, bleagh)


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