Hmms... This week is a week of startings and endings! I'll name some examples, starting with the startings and ending with the endings... Haha. That was lame...
1. The Amazing Race!
2. RI Prefectorial Elections
3. Re-construction of school canteen
4. RE Finals
1. Official CCA retirement
2. Canteen closed down
3. Sec4 Picture Taking
S1-The Amazing Race!
Of course it was amazing, with the people racing across America in the first episode. One thing I noticed was... Why no roadblock? Hmm... Its kinda amazing when you see Americans argue with each other. Haha.
S2-RI Prefectorial Elections
Lots of Sec1s and 2s are coming forward as nominees... Now there are posters all over the school saying vote for me and what not. The weirdest thing is... Someone put his posters in the urinals. Not a very smart choice cos it'll get all wet and dirty... (Putting something yucky in a nice way) And they must be very rich or something. One of them covered one whole pillar with all his posters. And the pillar is not small... The extent of insanity I see is really amazing. Typical for RI. Haha.
S3-Reconstruction of School Canteen
Yes. My schools getting totally reconstructed. The canteen and hall block is gonna be converted into a hall+CCA Hub+Auditorium+Canteen. Huh. They'll add a new carpark, new walkways, new softball pitch, new building, as well as repaint the whole place to make it look nice beside RJ's campus. So... There are no places to eat now... Well actually there are a lot.
1. Columbarium (If you don't mind eating near dead people)
2. Dining Hall (Food isn't that nice)
3. RJ Canteen (I heard its quite ex compared to other schools)
4. S11 (Not much variety though)
5. Junction 8 (For fast food junkies)
6. Macs @ Bishan Interchange
S4-RE Finals
Yup. Attended one session on it... Just to support Wing, Gab, Peter Pan and Songji. Haha. Well. Could've gone home very very early at around 10. Haha. The congress will be next friday I guess. Good luck to all RE finalists...
C1-Official CCA retirement
We officially retired on monday, as Prometheum Day drew to a close. Chairman was on stage to pass on the Symbol of Leadership, the guitar, to Kovan. Hmmms... Wonder how the new exco's doing now? Wonder if they have practices at this point of time? Wonder how next year's concert will be?
C2-Canteen closed down
There was a rush for canteen food yesterday, as the 6 stall holders and bookstore aunty all got evicted for the constructions. Bought my very last kaya toast from Cafe Delight and said bye to the aunty at the store. I'll miss the kaya toast... Haha.
C3-SEc 4 Picture taking
Three teachers from RJ came down to talk to us about econs, KI and theatre studies. Theatre studies look tough. Three papers! Two theory, one practical. Econs H1 has one paper consisting of essay and case study questions. KI has three papers as well. After that we took our batch photo. Only 11 people from our class went. (And the rest ponned) It was fun. 4J was singing the children's day song and Tan Lai Lin and the photography club people took some shots. Seetoh was mussing up Timo's hair, and me and Wing Chung were poking Ben Ho. Haha.
Can't wait for later! =)
1. The Amazing Race!
2. RI Prefectorial Elections
3. Re-construction of school canteen
4. RE Finals
1. Official CCA retirement
2. Canteen closed down
3. Sec4 Picture Taking
S1-The Amazing Race!
Of course it was amazing, with the people racing across America in the first episode. One thing I noticed was... Why no roadblock? Hmm... Its kinda amazing when you see Americans argue with each other. Haha.
S2-RI Prefectorial Elections
Lots of Sec1s and 2s are coming forward as nominees... Now there are posters all over the school saying vote for me and what not. The weirdest thing is... Someone put his posters in the urinals. Not a very smart choice cos it'll get all wet and dirty... (Putting something yucky in a nice way) And they must be very rich or something. One of them covered one whole pillar with all his posters. And the pillar is not small... The extent of insanity I see is really amazing. Typical for RI. Haha.
S3-Reconstruction of School Canteen
Yes. My schools getting totally reconstructed. The canteen and hall block is gonna be converted into a hall+CCA Hub+Auditorium+Canteen. Huh. They'll add a new carpark, new walkways, new softball pitch, new building, as well as repaint the whole place to make it look nice beside RJ's campus. So... There are no places to eat now... Well actually there are a lot.
1. Columbarium (If you don't mind eating near dead people)
2. Dining Hall (Food isn't that nice)
3. RJ Canteen (I heard its quite ex compared to other schools)
4. S11 (Not much variety though)
5. Junction 8 (For fast food junkies)
6. Macs @ Bishan Interchange
S4-RE Finals
Yup. Attended one session on it... Just to support Wing, Gab, Peter Pan and Songji. Haha. Well. Could've gone home very very early at around 10. Haha. The congress will be next friday I guess. Good luck to all RE finalists...
C1-Official CCA retirement
We officially retired on monday, as Prometheum Day drew to a close. Chairman was on stage to pass on the Symbol of Leadership, the guitar, to Kovan. Hmmms... Wonder how the new exco's doing now? Wonder if they have practices at this point of time? Wonder how next year's concert will be?
C2-Canteen closed down
There was a rush for canteen food yesterday, as the 6 stall holders and bookstore aunty all got evicted for the constructions. Bought my very last kaya toast from Cafe Delight and said bye to the aunty at the store. I'll miss the kaya toast... Haha.
C3-SEc 4 Picture taking
Three teachers from RJ came down to talk to us about econs, KI and theatre studies. Theatre studies look tough. Three papers! Two theory, one practical. Econs H1 has one paper consisting of essay and case study questions. KI has three papers as well. After that we took our batch photo. Only 11 people from our class went. (And the rest ponned) It was fun. 4J was singing the children's day song and Tan Lai Lin and the photography club people took some shots. Seetoh was mussing up Timo's hair, and me and Wing Chung were poking Ben Ho. Haha.
Can't wait for later! =)