Hey there! Woo alright have finally gotten something that I've been looking forward to for quite some time: a 160GB iPod Classic! For all my Christian Music and anime needs, and also partially as a harddisk. So far 70GB has been used... Looking for more anime to fill up the remaining space. Well, SERVE is going pretty well, and for the past few days we've been learning about the call of God, and how every little thing in our lives prepare us for our callings that we have been given by God. And it reminded me of my med rejection. Now that I look back, there are reasons why that happened, and this form of suffering will eventually lead to the bearing of fruit for God's sake. And its pretty humbling learning that. If I didn't experience that I'd probably not be a cell leader right now, I'd probably not be in SERVE, and I'd probably never meet my NS friends. To conclude, everything in life, even negative happens for a reason. I'm where I am today because of ...