Well, a bit unhappy that I've only got approximately 24 hours to enjoy my civilian life for this time's bookout, but I'm quite certain I'll get almost 72 hours of free time soon. And I'm looking forward to it. Its been a downright boring week. Have a lot of free time, cos after shooting at the arcade range, it would only be 11am or so, and we'd have free time until about 6pm. Only things to do are read, sleep, play guitar, pack stuff, clean the bunk and do saikang. But there are some highlights... 1. Sergeant Joshua going back to guards Well theres one sergeant whos really funny and nice, and proud to be a guardsman in the army. He was attached to our platoon in order to try out being in a leadership role for about 3 weeks. I guess we all got really attached to him while he was here, and when he had to go we followed him all the way to the ferry terminal to stay goodbye at the expense of our bathing time. Looking forward to meeting up with him in the civilian wo...