I’ve emerged thankfully unscathed from a bout of COVID-19. It was an interesting experience not just because of the self imposed quarantine measures to prevent my household from getting sick, but it was also the first time I’ve taken such an extended break for a long time (I still did work on and off, but there was a lot of time for restful sleep after taking meds and reflection). I realised during the time that wounds still run deep and influence how I relate to God, and how much more fearful I am about losing sight of Him. It’s a double edged sword, in a way it’s good that it creates dependency on God but the other side of it is to be that way for all the wrong reasons. I catch myself thinking whether fear or love is the real driving force of what I do nowadays. It is tough facing this, as once again I see my own weakness. I can only trust God to help me work through this. Recently it’s been hard for me to engage much in my hobbies and things have been reduced to Youtube a...