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Showing posts from May, 2012


So first off! Results! Adolescent Psych: A Industrial Psych: B+ Personality and Individual Differences: B Japanese 3: B+ Japan and Singapore:B+ Satisfactory, and I'm pleased with it! Its a cap of 4.1 for this semester, and an overall cap of 4.15! Pretty good imo! =D And so a mini revival of sorts is happening in my life, which began on Thursday with the Diocesan Youth Leader's retreat! We learnt about Team Leadership, how we need a mix of different kinds of people in our team, and how to draw lessons about teamwork from the Trinity to name some things. The highlight of the retreat was the time of ministry on Saturday, I felt God tell me that I'm on the right track. Despite not being able to here His voice, all the time, I believe I've reached the stage where I can just work and trust in the Holy Spirit's inspiration. Another source of encouragement was SYC on friday, where Uncle Seto shared about his experiences in Brazil, and knowing God. One of the thi...


Realized that I'd be more motivated to update my blog if I'd write down brief outlines of what I want to include in my posts, and also the content would be more interesting and more detailed! So that's what I hope to do with all my posts in the future! So first exciting thing of the week was YE Camp venue recce, and I must say, those who are coming for the camp will love the venue! Won't spoil too much of it for you guys, and I'll let the publicity speak for itself! It was a pretty exciting first recce trip overseas for me, and went with Pastor William, Shuling, Shaunald and Deborah. Exploring the site was a good experience for me, as I was able to give my input and show them a few things I felt needed attention. I must say this will be one of the best camp sites in terms of space and bonding that I can anticipate, so look forward to it! Next, the newest anime that I'm currently watching and have introduced to Van: Special A. In essence it's a romance + ...


Apologies once again for infrequent updates! Its been a long week, for one staying overnight to keep vigil at my great grandmother's wake. Its been another tough week... Monday had YE committee meeting, Wednesday POP committee meeting, Thursday Main Music Practice, and Friday Prayer Meeting! That's been my thoroughly busy week, but I shall keep relying on the Holy Spirit for strength and guidance. Onward!

Work Work

It's the start of the hols! Haha well but I've suddenly gotten quite busy! Here's my to do list, YE stuff: 1. Prep Mega Games Day Debrief (Status: Settled, with preparation needed - reminders and points) 2. Prep Worship (Status: Delegated, with follow up needed on Wednesday) 3. Youth Tuition/QT (Status: Action Needed) 4. Prayer Meeting (Status: Action Needed - Manpower, material and announcement) 5. POP (Status: Action Needed - Contact with committee, meeting scheduling and preparation) Time to get to work!

Road to Recovery

I'm finally on the road to recovery, after the finishing of the final test yesterday I felt rather refreshed and that my burdens are lifted. During this period of time, after a period of reflection there's one thing that I've learnt, which is to endure faithfully. Despite not hearing from God for a long period of time, I'm glad I kept the faith. There'll be many more difficult situations to come, times when I might not feel close to God at all, and this has shown me that I can weather through these things if I put my mind and effort into it. Well, poor Van is the one who probably was most affected by this dry spell of mine, and now that I'm on the road to recovery, I'll be able to treat her better and help her to continue adapting to life in poly. She's mildly stressed with some of the sections of the workload, and since music theory is my forte I'll gladly help. So updates on the stuff I've been doing. Piano: Revolutionary Etude is on to the...