Sorry if posts have been rather sporadic the past few times. This semester's work load is considerably higher than previous, as I'm taking 4 core modules. Thankfully, now the only things that are left are my food and health assignment and my statistics report. Whittled down from almost approximately 12 projects and presentations I've had to make or do this semester. An update on the social psych project that I've just recently finished: we did immensely well, being awarded more bonus marks than the other groups (according to the lecturer at least), and for that I thank God. One of the segments of the presentation involved impromptu recall of previous concepts learnt (the lecturer kinda dropped a bomb on all of us suddenly), but then our group handled it very professionally and it ended off very well! Thanks be to God, he's the one who's always been in control! It was the talent for thinking quick on my feet that He gave me that helped us through that one. Today ...