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Showing posts from September, 2011


And so, yet another post on a monday. Other days seem to be extremely busy haha. My studying for mid terms has just finished with abnormal psychology done yesterday, so all that's left is some form of recap and going for the exam. With the first paper at 6pm on tuesday, and the other 2 at 10am and 12noon on wednesday. Still keeping the faith in God's providence for those, whilst in the midst of studying. As you can see from the title I've started on Chopin's Nocturne Op.9, No.2, the most famous of his nocturnes, and one you can hear very commonly in korean dramas or the such. I must say this is the piano piece I was rather looking forward to complete, even more so than Tristesse. Besides that I've started on GTA4 as well as continuing an old project of mine: a completionist game of Dynasty Warriors 6, trying to get all characters to level 50. For GTA4 I'm doing it as nicely as I possibly can, obeying traffic rules and having a good, simple job driving my cousin...


Having a rather bad stomach upset at the moment. Not sure what I ate... I've been running regularly on mondays, thursdays and saturdays, but I guess today I'll have to take a break and perhaps run tomorrow. But good news! Its now the break week, and though I need to study for mid-terms that'll be coming next week, its a nice and good break from the hectic schedule of school. Next week I've got a test on tuesday and two tests on wednesday, so I'm preparing hard for them. Besides that thank you guys for your support. I've managed to complete all my 3 submissions in the previous week satisfactorily, and now all that's left is to wait for results... Shall keep trusting on God for that, and like what was covered at SYC the past week, keep a good focus on God, cos ambition and achievement are nothing without Him. Also, I've now gotten a little more used to group assignments despite not liking them previously, because I've had good group mates to do them wi...


Submissions submissions! All of them are raining in but surprisingly I'm not keyed up at all. I'm working on them not with a sense of trepidation but a quiet confidence that God will do everything He can, and He's right by my side. As usual, progress has been quick, and its a lot of waiting for other group members, but I'm thankful for good group mates who have a great work ethic. My first submission for this week just ended today with a successful group presentation about Generalized Anxiety Disorder. =) I put my trust in God and was duly rewarded. =) Well nothing much else for now, so will update soon once this hectic week is over!


Apologies, for its been ages since I posted! Well, school work is catching up to me, but with God's strength I will pull through. Specifically have 3 deadlines on the following week, though one of the group presentations is already settled. Left a solo project and a group proposal due. Besides that I've been rather fine. Busy doing readings, and over the past week all my weekday evenings were full with activities, which kind of restricted any time for other things. The car's been giving a bit of problems with it stuttering whenever I come to a stop, so got it checked out and sent for maintenance with a hefty fee, but its now good as new, all clean and better than ever! On thursday went with Vanessa and her family to go watch Tao: The Art of Drums at the Esplanade, and as a supporter of all things Japanese, watching the Japanese Drums being played was exciting, and they impressive thing is the incorporation of many aspects of the culture of drums: it being an aspect of war, ...