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Showing posts from June, 2011

Open My Eyes, Lord

Open my eyes, Lord, that I may see... My haste to say, "You are wrong," My hesitance to say, "I am to blame," My frowns when the other guy or other team wins, My smiles when I cross the finish line first, My twenty twenty vision at finding cracks in others' character, My halfhearted efforts to spot any flaws in myself. Open my ears, Lord, that I may hear... My laughter at the expense of others, My cries when tables turn and the joke's on me, My whoops when something awful happens to those I don't like, My sighs when I'm the one who is kicked in the teeth, My shouts when I detect sin in others, My whispers when I am confessing my own. Open my mind, Lord, that I may know... My hardheadedness towards those who think I'm a jerk, My open-mindedness toward those who know I'm Mr. Right, My recall of "place and time" when I've been wronged, My forgetfulness of "when and how" I've hurt others, My doubt that...

Only Human

Well, its only human to err. And err I did, terribly too I must add. Got angry over certain things I never should really let get the better of me, things only said in jest, and in that state of vulnerability I lost God along the way. And I'm only thankful that these things aren't counted against me after I sincerely seek Him once again. After all, despite being a leader and all, I'm only human, trying my best to overcome my weaknesses and flaws. Its God's grace that makes all this possible, and I'm thankful. The triangle plate on the car is now off, and I'm now officially in my second year of driving. As for Tristesse, I'm done with the first page and moving on to relatively more challenging portions of the song on the second page. More updates include the watching of a couple of new series, which will bring my anime tally eventually to 100 finally. Once I reach 100 shall post the entire list on the blog. Most recent anime I've watched would be Witch Hun...

About Games

And so the games day went by splendidly, with the making of new friends and forging of new bonds, and I must say I'm rather excited about the prospects of joint collaborations between Synthesis and YE. I was rather worried initially, but everything panned out pretty good. =) Which brings me to reflect about why I've always been uptight when it comes to games, and here's where I bring you on a trip back into my memories. (Which we haven't done in a long time) And so all the way back in primary 5. I was still a game loving person, especially when my form teacher praised me for my sporting actions during games, even daring to do forfeits for the sake of others and things like that. Because of that bit of encouragement, it made all the difference. Forfeits or being embarrassed didn't matter one bit to me at that time. But all that changed just that year, with my first ever YE camp. And so there were games, which I participated gladly in, until this one charades game whe...


Well tomorrow's the day that I'm really nervous about: Mega Games Day. For one, its games, which I've some how gotten used to. But the next thing would be interacting with new people, which I'm always quite jittery about. Oh wells I'll just take it in my stride and enjoy myself. Hope everything goes well tomorrow! This week so far has been pretty alright, considering the way I was thinking it would be tiring. Turns out the only thing that I think will tire me out will be tomorrow. Wednesday went well, with cell at Juan's house being rather lively, with everyone sharing about their hols and us talking about the sinfulness we all have and thus our hope in Jesus. Thoroughly enjoyed it and hope they did too. =) Ah finally a massage chair to relax on after so long hehe! =P Ah and thursday! Lots of firsts which I give thanks for. =D Lastly, Daryl and I have been trying room escape games, and have managed to do some of them with the power of our combined intellect. For...

Another June

And so, 10 posts to 600. And about 2 weeks left to taking off the triangle plate while driving. I must say this week has left me a little tired. For one, every single day I've been waking up at 7am for no apparent reason... Which has left me with bouts of interrupted sleep, and the problem is that if I do go back to sleep for rest's sake I'd end up waking at around 11am, which is quite a problem for the completion of my daily to do list. If I choose not to sleep I'd end up very tired around night time. I've tried drawing the curtains to reduce the amount of external light, but it wasn't of much help... Any solutions? The end of this week too was rather rough, with an almost forgotten music ministry meeting, an enjoyable SYC session that ended rather late, leading songs in YE and lastly playing for main service. This coming week will somewhat be along the same lines, with a simple Gihon cell session coming on wednesday, SYC on friday, and playing for Mega Games D...

Ghost In The Shell

11 posts to 600! Well I'm almost done with Grande Valse Brilliante... Just a few bits of tying up to do, with portions on the 8th and 9th page still causing a bit of trouble here and there. But I think I can declare it finished within the week! This piece was certainly at a level higher than Raindrops, mostly because of the speed and the muscle memory involved, and the sheer length of it. But it was thoroughly enjoyable, allowing me to showcase part of my livelier side. And shall move on to Chopin's Tristesse soon. Quite excited about that, which will be a stark contrast from the waltz that I just finished. Time to switch moods from playful to melancholy. Soon I'll be playing 3 pages of a song that Chopin himself labelled as the best melody he'd ever written. Besides that I'm now halfway through Resonance of Fate, which is pretty slow. Being the perfectionist gamer that I am, made sure I got through every dungeon getting every item, finishing every quest and fightin...


So, ended up waking up an unearthly hour today, have no idea why. My eyes are tired but my brain is not, so I suppose I'll be back in bed after this post, listening to music till I fall asleep once again. Before this post I was thinking about this week, and how typical each day must have been, but now thinking back, there was actually a lot of new stuff that happened to me over this week, which I'm really quite thankful for. At my age when you're mostly thinking: here I am old and not so youthful any more; it's really encouraging to be experiencing new things even despite that fact. === So on Wednesday, went to meet Sam at SMU, my first visit to his/Steph's/Ernest's uni of choice, and I must say even from the visit to only one of the many portions of the campus, I was thoroughly impressed by the sophistication of the architecture at first glance. It certainly gave of an air of being a premiere facility for education. Also liked the seminar rooms very much, becau...