Piano I can't believe it! Its only 10 days left to piano exam... Its gonna be one tough battle... But I'm not gonna give up. Time to mug piano. So before I start I'll make an apology in advance. If I ignore you please forgive me. I'm probably mugging hard. Diminished 7ths, Augmented 6ths, Dominant 7ths, Neapolitan 6ths here I come! *** S03H Well... It was a kinda gloomy saturday afternoon spent cooped up at home finishing up stuff and playing DW4. Left my MSN on... And guess what? Ben Zheng popped me a message. (PM 6:44) [ ben ] .. an: yo (PM 6:44) (BenLow) {soccer: hey yo (PM 6:45) [ ben ] .. an: let's all have a clan name like [3HownH] (benlow)...... (PM 6:45) (BenLow) {soccer: haha sure sounds cool to me And guess what... Now 16 people in class have the very same clan name attached to their MSN nicks! Good job Zheng for thinking of it. For those who don't know... [3HownH] = [3Hownage] Pretty cool huh. *** YE Awww man. I miss YE so much! The feeling was quit...